Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More about us

We are excitedly working through the paperwork to become licensed, and have just done family pictures to be included on the blog.


Our family enjoys cooking, crafting (3 year old style), singing, dancing, reading, and playing together. We love to play board games and have games that our son enjoys while he is growing up to play our favorite games.
Christina: Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies and Public Relations, MBA with specialty in International Finance
Hal: Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies and Spanish, Master’s Degree in Library Science
3 year old: Loves learning, singing, dancing, cooking, counting and ABCs. Loves to “read” books to
Mom and Dad
Hal and Christina met 5 ½ years ago on a blind date. We first clapped eyes on each other in Grand Central Terminal in NYC, and after several months of dates where almost nothing went right, we got engaged. Sometimes you learn more about each other if things aren’t perfect … we certainly learned how the other one reacts under stress. We got married in 2008 and have been happy to share our joys and struggles with each other ever since. We have moved 5 times, but hope that we will be in our current house for a long time. It is a lovely home for kids, especially active ones!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Little Family

Hal, Christina and our 3 year old are hoping to add more people to our family. Our son is requesting a brother or sister or multiples of each.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is our adoption blog, we are just getting started, but we are ON OUR WAY!!!!